COVID-19 Update (Summer of 2022)
Despite the great progress we have made in combating COVID-19, we remain very focused on the safety of our patients and team members. We therefore wanted to briefly reiterate the extensive safety measures we are taking to ensure a safe environment for everyone (including all requirements of the Center for Disease Control and California Department of Health). Specifically, we:
- Wear N95 masks, medical Class III surgical masks, and/or Face Shields at all times (and require that our patients do the same)
- Ensure that every team member is either vaccinated or has tested negativeÂ
- Conduct rigorous screening of our patients and staff via temperature checks, pre-appointment COVID questionnaires, and visual inspections for symptoms
- Utilize state-of-the-art Personal Protective Equipment available to all team members
- Regularly sanitize high-contact surfaces like operatories, doorknobs, toilet handles, bathroom faucets and countertops throughout
- Have hand sanitizers in the reception area and throughout the office
- Have also placed Hepa Air purifiers in every operatory roomÂ
We are highly confident that by taking these steps we have created a safe and healthy environment for both our patients and staff. We look forward to seeing everyone soon!
Smiles to everyone,Â
Dr. Theodosis
Dr. Theodosis